A few images of our happy riders.
This can be you after one day on the motorcycle!
This is a video of a Kootenay Best Motorcycle School class on Day 1 including folks who have never been on a bike before!
This student has never ridden before and after 3 hours is already completing slow controlled u-turns as required in the Lic test.
Day 3 afternoon ride to finish the course1
Motorcycle Skills TestU turn and slalom
Posted by Kootenays Best Motorcycle School on Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Motorcycle skills test slalom and Uturn
Motorcycle Skills Test Controlled stop
Posted by Kootenays Best Motorcycle School on Tuesday, June 2, 2015
My youngest student to date... Travis preparing for his MST.... IN 10 years. If a 6 year old can do can you !!!!
My youngest student to date...Travis preparing for his MST.... IN 10 years.If a 6 year old can do can you !!!!
Posted by Kootenays Best Motorcycle School on Friday, June 5, 2015